
Annual dues include a subscription to the Society’s newsletter and invitations to events.

$25 Student/Senior
$35 Individual
$50 Family

$100 Sponsor
$200 Patron
$500 Benefactor

You may mail your dues with a check along with the membership application* to:
Long Beach Historical Society
P.O. Box 286
Long Beach, NY 11561-0286

*Adobe Acrobat is required. We must have a filled-in application in order to process your membership.

Become a Member or Renew Online!

You can become a member or renew your membership securely with our PayPal online form. We do not store credit card information on our site. All information is handled by PayPal and we are only notified when the transaction is complete.

Membership Form


Release Environment

Long Beach Historical Society Membership Form

Membership Categories (please select one)

The House Fund

Fundraising is an ongoing and necessary activity to meet the museum’s mortgage payments, maintenance bills, and costs of restoration. For a donation of one hundred dollars, a plaque with your wording will be added to our wall of contributors. It’s another way you can help the Museum to continue to bring history to the community.
House Fund Donation
Line 1
Line 2
Note — two lines with a limit of 18 characters per line, including spaces

I would like to volunteer for the following committee(s)



Payment Options


Share Your Memories, Knowledge, and Artifacts with Us

One of these windows is original and one is a copy created by one of our members. Can you guess which one?

Through either space on our Website, publication in our newsletter and elsewhere, or as an addition to our archives, information you supply may enrich the knowledge of Long Beach’s past for present and future generations. 

This information and/or any materials or artifacts which could be included in exhibitions to be mounted in the Long Beach Historical Museum will be welcomed.

Do you have time to help:
File and catalog materials?
Assist with mailings?
Serve as a museum docent?

Do you have the skills to:
Assist in preparing and presenting programs?
Repair/maintain/decorate the museum?
Landscape the museum site?
Raise funds or solicit grants to further the Society’s goals?
Write grants?

If so, let us know!